Lapis Lazuli: A blue gem used for cabochons, beads, inlay

lapis lazuli gemstone


Lapis lazuli is one of the world's oldest opaque gemstones, dating back over 6,500 years! Like a night sky filled with stars, this deep blue stone contains tiny particles of mica. Its most well-known source is deep in modern-day Afghanistan's highlands. The two-part name of this stone originates from two cultures: Lapis is a Latin term that means "stone," while lazuli is derived from the Persian word Lazhuward, which means "blue." It's not an element or a mineral; it's a rock made up of a variety of minerals such as lazurite, diopside, calcite, pyrite, and others.

Lapis lazuli gemstone, unlike most other gem materials, is not a mineral. Instead, it's a rock made up of a variety of minerals. For example, the presence of lazurite, a blue silicate mineral of the sodalite group with a chemical composition of (Na, Ca)8(AlSiO4)6(S, Cl, SO4, OH)2, contributes to the blue hue of lapis lazuli.

The birthstone of people born in the winter months

Those born in the winter months may take advantage of the midnight starry colours of the Lapis Lazuli stone, which is the main stone for Sagittarius. Sagittarians share a lot of characteristics in common with the bluestone. Lapis Lazuli is known for being honest and direct, but it can also be blunt. It encourages gentler shades of communication so that you may speak your mind without offending others.

Sagittarians may be extremely independent individuals, and wearing Lapis Lazuli as an amulet can help you achieve this by ensuring you have time to yourself without sacrificing those strong relations that are so crucial to your success. Those born under the sign of Sagittarius enjoy a good philosophical discussion, and Lapis Lazuli gemstone, as the stone of knowledge and wisdom, enables that light to shine even more brightly.

Lapis Lazuli is also a good birthstone for Libra, Taurus, and Virgo. All those winter-born infants are playing perfectly into the hands of the deep-water elements and the time for reflection.

Healing powers of Lapis Lazuli gemstone

Lapis Lazuli is considered beneficial to friendships and honesty, allowing individuals who wear it to have more peaceful relationships. It's known as a truth stone. Lapis Lazuli may boost intellectual capacity, creativity, and memory regarding the gem’s power. It is considered to aid in the desire for and retention of information and the development of good, open communication skills in its user.

Lapis Lazuli contains positive energy and may improve the mind, assisting the user in overcoming difficulties such as trauma, sadness, or sorrow. It can help the user clear their thoughts, think more clearly, and restore inner hope and bravery.

lapis lazuli gemstone

Lapiz lazuli gemstone jewellery pieces

The most well-known application of lapis lazuli is as a gemstone. Cut into cabochons and beads; it’s a popular material. It's also frequently utilised as a material for tiny sculptures and inlay or mosaic projects. Lapis became the most popular opaque blue gemstone as a result of these applications. The most common Lapis has a consistent, deep blue to violet-blue tint. However, personal tastes differ. A few randomly positioned grains of gold pyrite or a few cracks or mottles of white calcite are popular among collectors.

When pyrite or calcite is present in greater than small levels, the material's attractiveness and value are considerably reduced. Grey inclusions or mottling reduces attractiveness fast. Lapis lazuli has various durability issues that make it unsuitable for specific applications. Lapis has a Mohs hardness of around 5, making it too soft to be used in a ring, cuff links, or bracelet, especially if the stone's top is lifted above the setting or bezel.

Where abrasion is less possible, Lapis is best utilised as earrings, pins, and pendants. Lapis can be destroyed if the fragments are not kept separate, whether stored as unmounted stones or jewellery. Jewellery should be kept in individual boxes or bags, or on trays with compartments for each piece. Stones that are loosely cut should be maintained in separate papers, bags, or gem containers so that they do not rub or abrade one another.

Treatment of Lapis Lazuli gemstone

After it is cut and before it is marketed as finished jewels, sculptures, or jewellery, lapis lazuli is commonly treated. Because lapis lazuli is relatively porous, it may take and keep dye. Therefore, a blue dye has been used to eliminate the visibility of white calcite in a lot of the material that makes it to the market. The coloured calcite is subsequently sealed with wax or oil, which improves the shine of polished surfaces and seals the dyed calcite.

Caring for Lapis Lazuli gemstone

The Mohs Hardness Scale places lapis lazuli in the centre, making it more challenging than a variety of other famous stones but softer than many clear faceted gems. Lapis is susceptible to pressure, heat, and household cleaners and abrasives (due to its calcite concentration).

Clean, undyed Lapis using lukewarm soapy water; before washing, try dyed materials to see how they respond to water. Wipe them off with a gentle cloth and keep them dry in a bag or box where they won't scratch or be damaged by other jewellery. Ultrasound and steam cleaners should be avoided!


The bluestone lapis lazuli is a heavenly gift from the gods. Few diamonds have such a long and distinguished history, yet they still manage to amaze the crowd even after all this time. When you have Lapis Lazuli in your life, it tends to shake things up spiritually. It's as if the night sky has blotted out all of the day's anxieties, replacing them with the soothing brightness of flashing stars.

It makes it impossible for bad feelings to survive in the world it creates for you. The stone has a fantastic way of making you feel safe and protected while without making you feel walled off. Your heart and communication stay open and ready. Lapis Lazuli might be the medication you need to uncover that magic if you're having trouble tapping into that reservoir of knowledge and intuition that resides inside us all.