Ten Must Buy Gemstones that are Rarer than Diamond?

Gemstones are made up of various minerals, rocks, and organic materials. With over 300 recognised gemstones, there are certain to be far more rare and precious than a diamond.

A few of the world's most precious gemstones are crystals that we will almost certainly never see in person. Nevertheless, these stones are in high demand among museums and collectors. This blog covers ten uncommon and precious gemstones, as well as information about their origins, buying suggestions, and more.


1. Tanzanite

Tanzanite's intense violet-blue colours may have equal and excellent as that of blue sapphire for a tenth of the price — and it's a far rarer stone. It is only found in a tiny area of Tanzania, has grown in popularity. Its popularity skyrocketed after its discovery in 1967, thanks in part to marketing efforts by Tiffany & Co. This stone has considerable pleochroism, looking blue, violet, green-yellow to brown depending on the angle of view. Gem cutters orient these stones to have blue or violet colours. Although practically all tanzanite is heat-treated to generate appealing blue tones, this treatment gives a long-lasting colour that makes this stone so coveted. You can find such rare stones at Iris Gems. 


2. Alexandrite 

Alexandrite, discovered in Russia's Ural Mountains in 1830, has extraordinary colour-changing properties. This stone appears emerald green to peacock blue in daylight but ruby red to purple in incandescent light due to tiny quantities of chromium in the crystal structure. 

As a result, it's no surprise that the Russian elite desired this stone. Unfortunately, this chrysoberyl variant, named after Czar Alexander, is still an uncommon stone. Even though alexandrite has been discovered in Brazil and a few other places, it remains one of the rarest stones. On the other hand, Alexandrite, a contemporary June birthstone, is still popular and is frequently synthesised for jewellery usage.


3. Red Beryl

The Red beryl, also called "bixbite" and marketed as "red emerald" or "scarlet emerald," is exceptionally uncommon and has only been found and recorded in a few locales. Wah Wah Mountains in Utah, Paramount Canyon in New Mexico, Sierra County, and Beaver County are such locations.

Lamar Hodges identified the highest quantity of gem-grade Red beryl in 1958. 

Red beryl is found in topaz-bearing rhyolites, whereas gem beryls are found in pegmatites and certain metamorphic rocks.


4. Natural Pearl

Pearls are ubiquitous, yet they would be almost non-existent without the cultured pearl business. Natural pearls are incredibly uncommon and are growing more so by the year. Natural pearls appear more commonly in antique jewellery than in our planet's oceans due to overfishing, pollution, and ocean acidification. 

Imperfections are a fantastic method to detect if a pearl is natural. Poor quality pearls will be dazzling white, perfectly round, and symmetrical. On the other hand, natural pearls will be deformed and frequently off-colour. The natural pearl's flaws are what make it so exquisite.


5. Burma Rubies

All rubies are rare, but those from Myanmar (formerly Burma) are the best in terms of colour and quality. Unfortunately, they are also quite rare. While rubies from Thailand have a very high iron concentration, resulting in highly dark reds with brownish or purple overtones, geological conditions in Myanmar yield rubies with very little trace iron. As a result, these gems frequently acquire more vibrant reds with far more fluorescence than their Thai counterparts. 

Nonetheless, a high-quality Thai ruby can compete with the best from Myanmar. These crimson gems are constantly in demand because of their beautiful hue, which has earned them the "pigeon blood" tag and is available on the Iris Gems website. 


6. Benitoite

Most of the jewellery collectors will never be able to appreciate the true beauty of benitoite. This sapphire-blue gemstone has been discovered in San Benito County, California. George D. Louderback found it in the early 1900s. In 1985, it was designated as California's state gemstone. The stone was formerly mistaken as spinel but was later re-examined and categorised owing to the gemstone's high level of brightness.


7. Jadeite 

Jadeite, best known for the vivid electric green of imperial jade, may also be found in lavender, yellow, orange-red, blue, black, and colourless. This stone is highly valued in China, Mayan etc. The worth of jadeite is determined by its translucence and texture, with top-quality material seeming to be full of water or a drop of coloured oil. Even yet, assessing the value of a piece of jade is more subjective than with other gemstones. 


8. Taaffeite 

Taaffeite is a rare gemstone that most people have never heard of, owing to its scarcity. Richard Taaffe, an Australian gemologist, discovered the pale violet gemstone in 1945. Taaffeite was once thought to be spinel. However, spinel does not refract light as much as this gemstone. Taaffe's discovery commemorates the first time a gemstone was discovered as a faceted gemstone rather than as gemstone rough.

Taaffeite has only been discovered in two places: Sri Lanka and Tanzania. Most materials are unsuitable for faceting, making them even more challenging to find. The gemstone is so uncommon that it is almost a million times more valuable than a diamond.

If you desire the look of taaffeite but don't want to spend the high price for a collector's piece, try buying well-cut lilac-coloured amethyst.


9. Padparadscha Sapphire

Padparadscha sapphires (pronounced pad-pah-raj-ah) are uncommon and can only be found in Sri Lanka, Madagascar, and Tanzania. This stone is highly sought after by collectors due to its unusual blend of pink and orange tones. The gemstone is available in various colours, although medium tones appear to be the most suitable and appealing.

Because Padparadscha sapphires are so scarce, purchasers may have to make a compromise while completing their purchase. This may imply selecting a stone with less clarity and a duller hue or selecting a smaller stone. In addition, because gem cutters strive to increase carat weight, shapes can be odd and diverse. But, again, this is due in significant part to the stone's scarcity and high demand. 


10. Ammolite

The World Jewellery Confederation (CIBJO) designated ammolite as a new biological gem in 1981. This gem material is significantly rarer than diamond since it only occurs in a few places in the Rocky Mountains. Ammolite is formed from the aragonite shells of marine molluscs that are more than 65 million years old and have beautiful, iridescent colours. A single specimen may include every hue or even the entire rainbow. The value of these one-of-a-kind stones rises with unusual hues, more intense iridescence and colour play, and how far the stone can be turned while the colour remains visible. Korite International now mines the majority of the ammolite in the market.

So you can select and purchase rare gemstones other than Diamond by visiting  the Iris Gems website